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Eco friendly flooring options

February 22, 2010

eco flooring, hardwood floors, stone, ceramic tile, glass tile

Using eco friendly products is not a luxury but an intelligent and helpful gesture to help save the planet. One of the most recent eco friendly products hitting the markets is flooring material. When building a new house everyone wants to settle for attractive floorings which are eye catching as well as affordable. The market is flooded with various eco friendly flooring options to suit all pockets and building green homes is profitable to the builder as well as affordable for the consumer.

eco flooring, hardwood floors, stone, ceramic tile, glass tile

If you want to give your flooring a wood like effect then it is easily possible without cutting down trees. Bamboo is one such option which is growing in popularity as an eco friendly flooring product. Since it is a fast-growing grass and not a tree it can be re-harvested easily, is durable and moisture resistant. Cork flooring is another great option to give a wooden effect and is quite cheap. Another option gaining popularity is linoleum flooring which is a combination of wood flour, flax seed and sap. It is highly durable, can be recycled a number of times and has a long life span.

eco flooring, hardwood floors, stone, ceramic tile, glass tile

Recycled glass tiles & recycled metal tiles are also great options for home flooring and are definitely eco friendly. People who can’t do without carpets have the option of using natural wool carpets which is 100% pure and not treated with chemicals and dyes that are harmful to the environment as well as the occupants. Natural wool is also quite long lasting and products which do not need to be replaced frequently are always eco friendly.

eco flooring, hardwood floors, stone, ceramic tile, glass tile

Amongst all the eco friendly flooring options concrete flooring cannot be ruled out. Stone flooring is a perfect choice for many, since stones and tiles come in various attractive colors, are sturdy & durable, and easily replaceable or repairable. Moreover in kitchens and toilets where there can be a lot of water spillage, the most obvious choice would be stone flooring. People having dogs in the house can also opt for ceramic or glass tiles and stone flooring to prevent scratches and stains. Another great benefit of using stone flooring is that it absorbs heat during daytime and releases that heat after sunset, when it is required.

Stones and tiles can easily be cleaned and polished with the help of EcoStone solutions which is a powerful stone and tile cleaner and helps to remove even the toughest of stains, grime and dirt and at the same time is environment friendly. There is also the EcoStone Solutions Kleen Stone Plus which comes with a handy sprayer and is very effective on all stone types, porcelain, clay products, granites etc. All EcoStone solutions are biodegradable, deodorize as they clean and are eco friendly & easy to use. Diamond stone polishing pads are also great for polishing stone, tiles. These are eco-friendly, reusable and easily washable. Since these products can be used on a daily basis, it becomes all the more easier to maintain eco friendly concrete floorings.

Cleaning products, Environmentally friendly, stone solution sealers, ecostone, Earth-friendly Products,organic products, eco-friendly, natural products, environmental products

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The post Eco friendly flooring options first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.

ceramic bathroom tiles DIY do it yourself Eco-friendly Environmentally friendly flooring glass tile Reclaimed hardwood

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