Floor Machines
17” – 20” (175-350 rpm)
Pads remove wear and provide a variety of appearance levels from dull hone (no shine) to highly polished. Use on floors with little to no lippage (uneven tiles).
- Sweep or vacuum surface to remove abrasive soil
- Clean and rinse surface thoroughly prior to pad use
- Center selected pad on drive plate of floor machine
- Apply water to 2’ x 5’ area to lightly wet the surface – no need for huge puddles
- Move the floor machine in an oval pattern counter clockwise to keep the water inside the work area
- Check surface after 15 – 30 seconds to see if desired results are achieved
- If YES, repeat steps above on the rest of the floor one section at a time
- If NO, repeat polishing process until desired result is achieved (usually 15 – 45 seconds per 2’ x 5’ area)
- If second polishing does not achieve desired results, change pad grit level and repeat process
Hand Polishers
5″ – 8” Variable Speed (600-3000 rpm)
Pads remove wear and provide a variety of appearance levels from dull hone (no shine) to highly polished. Use on floors, walls and counter tops with little to no lippage (uneven tiles).
- Dust or vacuum surface to remove abrasive soil
- Clean and rinse surface thoroughly prior to pad use
- Center selected pad on drive plate of hand polisher
- Apply water to 2’x 3’ area to lightly wet the surface – no need for huge puddles
- At lowest speed setting, move the tool in an oval pattern counter clockwise to keep the water inside the work area
- Check surface after 15 – 30 seconds to see if desired results are achieved
- If YES, repeat steps above on the rest of the area one section at a time
- If NO, repeat polishing step until desired result is achieved (usually 15 – 45 seconds per 2’ x 5’ area)
- If second polishing does not achieve desired results, change pad grit level and repeat process
- For best results with 175 rpm Floor Machines use a 60 lb drive plate (not necessary for 300 – 350 rpm machines)
- Use more water when using lower grits (200 – 1,500)
- Use more weight (or pressure) and less water on higher grits (3,000 – 11,000)
- Overlap sections by 4”- 6” to keep an even appearance
- Rinse area thoroughly prior to changing grits
- Rinse and allow pad to dry after each use
- Avoid contaminating the Eco Friendly pads by using them only on a clean surface.
- Pad contamination is a major problem. This is how most people ruin the pads; they don’t wear them out.
- Thoroughly clean and rinse the surface to be polished before using the pads.
- Store the pads in the box making sure that the pads are NEVER diamond face to diamond face.
- Stack them with the colored side up.
- It is better to under use the pads than to overuse them.
- Overusing the 200 grit brown EcoPad
, the 400 grit black EcoPad
, or 800 grit red EcoPad
may result in a textured appearance or the “orange peel” effect. That can only be removed by honing the floor with a resin bond diamond pad.
- You only need enough water to keep the surface wet; you don’t need puddles.
- Edge work can be done by using the 5″ or 7″ pads with a hand tool.
Eco friendly Instruction for polishing Granite and Marble
Eco friendly Instruction for polishing Granite and Marble- Read
The post Eco Pads Diamond Stone Polishing instructions first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.
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