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Quick Pitch 1 Kirb Shower Slope Drainage Kit

Write a review 2 reviews $116.90


4 in 1 Kit Shower Floor Drainage Kit

Kit Includes;

1 Quick Pitch - 1 Pre Pitch - 1 Kirb Perfect - 1 Weep Hole Protector 1 Center Ring

Use of Quick pitch with Ebbe square shower drain requires a Universal Center Ring

The Quick Pitch Float Stick Shower Floor Drainage Kit System permits easy construction of shower floors with the proper minimum water drainage slope of 1/4 12" run.

With this time-saving system there is now no chance for an error in measurement, or the need for a level, to achieve a properly sloped shower floor.

The Quick Pitch Float Stick Shower Floor Drainage Kit System is designed for an area where the drain is no further than 36" from any wall or curb.

For larger areas, Extra and Extended kits are available.

Specification information

How to install Quick Pitch

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